
Screenshot of the 2023洪水风险通知 with a photo of the 洪水ing in Pajaro

We mail out 洪水 risk notifications every September to inform property owners of their 洪水 risks.

Millions of Californians are at risk from 洪水ing along thousands of miles of streams, 河流, 湖泊和海岸线. 洪水s can bring devastating impacts to regions and no one can predict when and where 洪水s will occur. But hydrologic engineers and other experts can estimate the likelihood of annual 洪水 flows and stages that could occur in any particular location with collected data. 洪水信息可以用来估计年平均损失. If you live, work, or own property in a 洪水-prone area, you can use this information to:

  • 随时了解洪水给你和你的财产带来的风险.
  • 权衡成本效益方案以减少洪水风险.
  • 衡量洪水保险的可行性.







输入您的地址 查看大堤防洪分区地图.


An inundation map shows 洪水ing that could result from a hypothetical failure of a dam or its critical appurtenant structure. In 2017, 加州立法机关通过了一项法律,要求所有州管辖水坝, 低危大坝除外, 制定洪水分布图和应急行动计划. 


Please note that inundation maps for dams owned by the federal 政府ernment are not available on this website.